Thursday, April 11, 2013

Unfortunate Fish Fry

For the last few weeks as you guys know, I've been craving something than Turkish food. So the other day I thought I would quit complaining about the lack of foreign food and be proactive about my situation. I decided I would head down the the big grocery store on the Metrobus, buy me some fish and have a fish fry. 
I had never been to the huge grocery store here yet but I had just assumed that it would be pretty similar to the American grocery store -- But of course assuming makes an ass out of ume now doesn't it?

When I got there, I went searching for the seafood section which proved the be in vain. There was a tiny meat/frozen food section where I found some frozen fish filets in a packet. Okay whatever, that will do just fine... So I thought. 

I purchase my seasoning and some corn meal then I make my way home. I start prepping, getting my eggs and cornmeal set up right and finally I crack open the bag and the most repugnant, antagonistic smell came to me. 

I immediately went straight to Google and put in the word hamsi which is in big bold letters on the bag to see which type of foul fish I was dealing with. It turns out hamsi is anchovies (insert sad face here).


Apparently, anchovies are a popular fish between the months of November and March. The name even comes from the arabic word hamsin which means "winter period." They fry it, grill it, steam it,  turn it into a meatball, or put it in a sandwich. Gross. 

Needless to say, I had to scrap my dinner plans. I ended up just throwing my fish below to the hustling ass cats that live on my street.
 I ended up eating only fries for dinner. 

Sigh... The culinary gods frown upon me. 

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